The Official Rice Purity Test is an online survey created to measure the innocence of someone. It consists of 100 questions about different topics such as sexual experiences, drug and alcohol use, and other personal experiences. The test is designed to be answered honestly and accurately, and those who do so will receive a score that indicates their level of purity.
The Official Rice Purity Test website provides a place for people to take the test, as well as offers helpful resources for those who are interested in learning more about it. The Rice Purity Test Score of 99 means you are most innocent and a score lower than 50 means you are not pure enough.
Taking The Rice Purity Test is a great way to assess your overall level of innocence and moral standing. It is also a fun and entertaining way to get to know yourself better and learn more about the values and beliefs you hold dear. By taking the test, you can gain insight into how you view yourself and the world around you. Additionally, it can be a useful tool for self-reflection and growth.

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**MPS stands for Member of the Preferred Sex.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is a self-assessment tool designed to measure the level of "innocence" or "purity" of an individual, primarily in the context of sexual experiences. It consists of a series of 100 questions, each of which is assigned a point value, with higher point values indicating greater levels of sexual experience.

How do I take the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test can be taken online or in paper form. Many websites offer the test for free. Simply answer each question with a "yes" or "no" response and keep track of your point total.

What is the purpose of the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test was originally intended as a lighthearted way for students to compare their experiences and knowledge of sex and drugs, and to celebrate their "purity" or lack thereof. Over time, the test has come to be seen as a way for individuals to gauge their own sexual experiences and behavior, and to compare themselves to others in a similar age group or demographic.

Is the Rice Purity Test accurate?

The accuracy of the Rice Purity Test depends on the honesty of the individual taking the test. It is designed to be a self-assessment tool, not a clinical or diagnostic test.

Is the Rice Purity Test appropriate for everyone?

The Rice Purity Test is designed for individuals who are of college age or older and who are interested in assessing their own sexual experiences and behavior. Some of the questions on the test may not be appropriate for younger individuals.

Is the Rice Purity Test a reliable measure of purity?

The concept of "purity" is subjective and can mean different things to different people. The Rice Purity Test is just one way to measure sexual experiences and behavior and is not necessarily a reliable or accurate measure of an individual's "purity."

Is the Rice Purity Test scientifically validated?

The Rice Purity Test is not scientifically validated and should not be used as a diagnostic tool. It is designed to be a lighthearted and fun way for individuals to assess their own sexual experiences and behavior.

Is the Rice Purity Test only about sexual experiences?

While the Rice Purity Test is primarily focused on sexual experiences and behavior, it also includes questions about drug use, criminal activity, and other potentially risky behaviors.

What do the scores on the Rice Purity Test mean?

The scores on the Rice Purity Test are assigned based on the total number of points earned by answering "yes" to certain questions. Higher point values indicate more "impure" or "risky" behavior, while lower point values indicate greater levels of "purity" or innocence.

Can I retake the Rice Purity Test?

Yes, individuals can retake the Rice Purity Test as many times as they like. Some people retake the test at different points in their lives to see how their experiences and attitudes have changed over time.

Is the Rice Purity Test mandatory?

No, the Rice Purity Test is not mandatory and is completely voluntary. Individuals can choose whether or not to take the test and can opt-out at any time.

Can the Rice Purity Test be used to judge or shame individuals?

The Rice Purity Test should not be used to judge or shame individuals based on their sexual experiences or behavior. It is intended as a personal assessment tool and should be used in a non-judgmental and respectful way.

Is the Rice Purity Test accurate for all cultures and backgrounds?

The Rice Purity Test is primarily designed for individuals in the United States and may not be accurate or applicable to individuals from different cultures or backgrounds. It is important to consider cultural and social factors when interpreting the results of the test.

Are there any limitations or drawbacks to the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test has been criticized for promoting a narrow definition of "purity" that is focused primarily on the sexual experience and behavior. It may also be seen as invasive or inappropriate by some individuals. Additionally, the test does not take into account individual circumstances or personal beliefs and should be used as one tool among many to assess sexual experiences and behavior.

What is an STI test?

An STI test is a medical test that screens for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STIs are infections that can be spread through sexual activity, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. There are many different types of STIs, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HIV, and HPV, among others.